Episode 62: The One About Work/Life Coherence

Vacation is a great time to contemplate life, work, and life and work. The two can frequently be at odds for most people.

When we can relax our brains for minute, there’s an opportunity to check-in and assess whether the work that we do and the life that we lead support one another. We hear all about work life ‘balance’ but that concept suggests compromises and doing neither work nor life well, but each in mediocrity.

What we should be after is figuring out if our life and our work are coherent. Does the one support and sustain the other. Do they move us in the same direction toward our goals or are they moving in different directions, tearing us apart.

My friend Phil joined me to talk about this. To be honest, we didn’t start out intending to discuss it or make it an episode. We were just having a chat and captured some interesting conversation that has so many ‘legs’ to it. I suspect we will discuss this more in the near future.

In this episode:

  • What’s the problem with work/life “balance”?
  • Why are so many people seemingly stuck in work or life situations making them unhappy?
  • What are some purposes to life and how can work provide support?
  • How can you use questioning to help attack this issue?

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