Episode 17: The One About Work-Life Balance

The concept of “work-life balance” has got to be one of the most meaningless, wink-and-nod, overused career tropes out there. Right?

Some say it is all about living life and finding a job that fits into that life while others claim it is about figuring out how to shape your life around your career. In fact, so much has been written about finding work-life balance that the term has become virtually meaningless. A simple search will serve up countless books and endless blogs that give you tips and tricks to magically find inner peace.

Of course, as everyone knows, it isn’t that simple.

While some folks in 9-5 jobs might find structure in hours and expectations that TEND to be more predictable, consulting can often be all night/all day affairs with shifting timelines and demands that can rapidly lead to mental and physical exhaustion.

There’s also the reality of what consulting can do to personal relationships. Ask around. There are plenty of divorced consultants out there.

So what on earth could anyone possibly add to the endless amount of words already spilled on the subject of work-life balance? To be honest, I didn’t think we could really add to the body of knowledge on the subject.

I was wrong.

In the latest episode of the Consultants Saying Things video podcast, we take on Work-Life Balance from the perspective of the consultant.

Spoiler alert: We didn’t even agree on even the existence of the problem, let alone what to do about it.

In this episode:

  • What the heck is work-life balance? Does it even exist?
  • How do people manage time? What are some tips to help?
  • Do we take on too much work? How do we prioritize?
  • What are some tips for staying sane and avoiding burnout?
  • What are the generational differences in approach to work-life balance?
  • What happens when Shashi says Phil is old?

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Check out the Audio-only version of this episode! Episode 17 – Audio Only